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My passion for tribal art goes back some fifteen years and is closely linked to my enthusiasm for traveling and the discovery of the other, strange people with so different customs. These trips to the Asian, African or American continents were driven by the textile. Following a trip to Indonesia and a stay as cooperating in Côte d'Ivoire, I started from the assumption that the African pagnes were of Indonesian origin or in other words that the African Wax Block Prints came from Javanese batiks. For various reasons related to colonization and colonial counters, these African fabrics are well a transformation and adaptation of the batiks of Insulinde. This research work was formalized by obtaining a DEA from Anthropologie. As a result of this first study, I became interested in another technique of production of textile decor by reserve; the ikat and this in the Sunda Islands in Indonesia (Sumba, Flores and Timor). Many other study missions in Southeast Asia followed and allowed me to discover Indonesian tribal art. I became interested in African primitive art afterwards while staying for my work in Africa. My first collectibles were therefore textiles and my interest is primarily in ethnographic objects, unlike the galleries that consider these objects from an artistic point of view. Other trips to other continents and in contact with other cultures followed and allowed me to complete my inventory of textile techniques practiced in isolated regions of the world. Recently, we discovered in situ the famous textiles of Paracas by visiting Peru and Bolivia. In the near future, we will walk the Silk Roads to discover the marvelous Ikats of Adras, Suzanis and Caucasian carpets. Our specialty is and will remain tribal textiles from different isolated areas of the vast world. But our enthusiasm has spilled over to statuary, masks, terracotta, weapons or ethnographic objects. Currently, we present a collection of ethnographic furniture from Africa primarily. On the other hand, we are very open about contemporary art and think that there is harmony between some pieces of contemporary art and others of tribal art. Depending on the tastes and preferences of everyone, we propose the arrangement and decoration of interiors in a tribal style. In addition, we consider that contemporary art holds its place next to tribal art in an interior layout. Textiles obviously have a place of choice in this style of decoration. These textiles that were not designed to decorate our interiors do not always have the dimension required for a well-defined use. But the use we give them is close to that of a master painting called a painting of weaver. When you have an object and are looking for its origin, age, meaning or use: send us an email and a photo first. We will try to inform you and when it comes to our area of ​​expertise, we will provide you with the necessary articles and bibliographical references as far as possible. We have links to other sites and hypertext links, we refer you to these sites that can offer you the books or the desired objects. These services of expertise can not be the subject of a fixed tariff but with regard to the quality and the frequency of the requests which will be made to us, an estimate will be established and subsequently a published tariff. (Bibliographical research, dating , in short, ...) In summary, we seek to make you share without passion our passion and wish to communicate it to you so that you become an enlightened amateur then an inveterate collector when you have matured your choices.